Nelson Berry

Nelson Berry
Nelson Berry

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire Subliminal Video 2.0 in HD.

YOU are about to experience the most amazing transformation of YOUR life!
Unlike Anything YOU'VE Ever Seen... The Perfect Balance Between Profit &
Pleasure...  Which Tie YOU Directly Into The Universal Mind and The
Universal Spirit! The Universal Mind Lives Within YOU! YOU Only Need To
Let The Universal Mind Express Itself Through YOU!  The Universal Mind is
Infinitely Abundant! Guess What That Means?

Now Released: The Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire
Subliminal Video 2.0 in HD.

"I used Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire for 3 days and
it dominated all the negativity about abundance, love, friendship,
money, profiting and gave me an overall purpose for living...  Love!
I never knew that love equals money...  Here's the secret to what I've
learned: My Life is Great and Good When I Perform Service With Love!
The Right Ideas Are Delivered To Me! I Am Provided With The Means of
Bringing Them Into My World! I thought I had tried everything, but
my life was weak.This snapped me up 7 levels...  at least!  I am still
in shock and can't believe how powerful this is for me!! Thank You
Guys!! You Saved My Life!"  -Mark Kunnan, Las Vegas, NV USA

When YOU Use: The Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire
Subliminal Video 2.0 in HD, here's what happens:

- The hardest work YOU will do is clean out YOUR Hot Tub in YOUR New

- YOU will restore YOUR dignity and know, once and for all, the past
is the past and you will relish in your rebirth.

- YOU will "get it" and know that the life YOU have been living
without love, meditation and service to others (with love) will
get YOU nowhere...   quickly!

- YOU will slow down and sharpen YOUR "mental and emotional swords"
and suddenly have an epiphany....  YOU Got This!!

- The best part is YOUR happiness, confidence and satisfaction
combined with love. It is priceless, no matter where YOU are at
in life!

- YOU make more MONEY than you can spend and it all starts with
these simple concepts!

- YOU learn to focus on the love and not the money. The more love
YOU give...   in terms of service and respect...   the more money
YOU make!  There is no exception to this rule!

- YOU have the choice to travel the world, get out of debt, pay for
YOUR kids college, buy a new car. It doesn't matter! Your Choice!

- YOU will have plenty of $10,000 sleeves of CASH standing by for
YOU to enjoy and be what YOU want!

- YOU realize that YOU REALLY CAN HAVE IT ALL! AND if that's what
YOU want, YOU will spend 10-20 minutes per day working out with
this spiritual exercise.  It's more powerful than you can imagine
right now! YOU WILL know what it is within hours!

- YOU really will need to have a personal assistant (if you so
desire), to manage your schedule.

- The beauty that YOU witness and the lives that YOU will heal
as a result of YOUR presence is really mind-boggling!

- YOU will become accustomed to the finer things in life and
have the income to back it up...  the only thing YOU need to do
is spend 10 minutes per day...

- YOU are OK and will never have worries about finances again!

- YOU realize that this is ALL about your thoughts and controlling
them. If you are afraid, please try this and you will quickly get
over it in a matter of minutes... max 24 hours!

Here are the exact commands on The Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual
Millionaire Subliminal Video 2.0 in HD:

- I Sense A Fusion With The Great Spirit!
- The Power of The Universal Mind Lives Within Me!
- I Know That All Things Spring From The Universal Mind!
- I Am One With All Truth, Beauty, Love and Prosperity!
- I Remove All Barriers From My Thoughts and Align With Divine Purpose!
- I Am Open and Receptive To All Things That Are Good!
- My Life is Great and Good When I Perform Service With Love!
- The Right Ideas Are Delivered To Me!
- I Am Provided With The Means of Bringing Them Into My World!
- The Universal Mind is Infinitely Abundant!
- I Only Need To Let The Universal Mind Express Itself Through Me!
- My World Overflows With Creativity, Achievement and Prosperity!
- Whatever My Task, I Perform It With Love!
- I Am A Millionaire and Have Been Given This Gift In Love!
- I Take Action Immediately On My Divine Thoughts and Inspiration!

There are many things we can say about this system and the beauty
that it displays, but the IMPACT that it has on YOUR life is hard
to put a number on.

When YOU order The Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire
Subliminal Video 2.0 in HD for $39.00, YOU get:

- The Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire Subliminal
Video 2.0 in HD Download for MAC or PC in HD!

- The EXACT Directions on HOW to use it for YOUR Benefit!

- 60 Day Guarantee for YOU!

How soon would YOU like to live YOUR dreams?

10 Minutes Per Day is Hard to Beat!

This is Amazing and Something YOU Don't want to Miss!

The Financial Fortune II, The Spiritual Millionaire Subliminal Video
2.0 in HD.

Become The Spiritual Millionaire!

Click Here To Download Now:

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. We have a limited supply due to licensing agreements
with our footage suppliers. Please Hurry!

Nelson Berry
4800 Baseline Road, Ste. E104-408
Boulder, CO 80303

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